Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So Funny!

I got a kick outta' this post:

Chez Cliff

It just goes to show... communication is vital! :)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Long Absent, Soon Forgotten

Idos y muertos, olvidados presto

Babel Fish translation:
Ausente largo, pronto olvidado

Wow! I can't believe how much time has passed since I last wrote here! I've really missed it, but some health issues and life in general took priority. Anyway, I'm glad to be back, and I hope to blog more frequently.

Just a quick post about another one of those funny incidents from one of my depos.

Attorney: "Was your boss asian?"
(Interp: "Su patrón era asiático?")

"No, yo mas bien diría que era chino."
(Interp: "No, I'd say he was more like chinese.")

So much for being politically correct!

Spanglish 101
Mapear. To mop. Also mapeador, mop.

Let's try that in a sentence.

"Nos ponían a mapear todo el piso con un mapeador muy grande."